
The Kind of Things That Get Me Pumped Up

Well this last week we had a really good week here. I forgot to say that I was writing today because tomorrow for our zone P-day we are going to the zoo. That was seriously the last thing that I wanted to do....but we have a zone that is half sisters so they kind of get mad if we just chose to play soccer. But anyway I am sure that it will be fun.

Well we had a really good day on Sunday. This week at the beginning of the week me and Elder Gallacher decided that we were going to have 8 people in church and 8 people preparing for baptism. Anyways we worked for those 2 goals this entire week and then on Sunday when we were in church we only had 7 people. But the whole time I could feel that really there was someone else there that was not a member. I knew that someone would be prepared for us. Anyways when we were just about to leave church on Sunday when the 2nd counselor in the bishopric came and pulled aside and presented a wife of a man who is member. They have gone pretty inactive...but then just showed up to church on Sunday. Anyways that was a cool miracle and today we are going to go visit them at 5.

Yesterday we had a meeting with all of the stake leaders and the missionaries and our mission President.. we put in a bunch of new plans and things that we are going to do so that we can see more success and that we can grow faster here. Really it's funny these days that those are the kind of things that really just get me pumped up.

Anyways we have changes next week and I am pretty sure that I am leaving my area... I get emotional even thinking about that. It's crazy how much you can grow to love certain people. Well I love you all.

Elder Wilkes

Here is a picture i took outside of our house today.

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