
Spiritually Prepared

Well this last week was a week of miracles...Elder Whiting and I had the opportunity to baptize five people. Ludbena Lopez and her 4 daughters....it was not as easy as it sound though... Ever since we have found them they have been golden investigators. Like it was almost too easy. They read and did everything that we invited them to do. The mother even cut off a relationship she has been having for years to be able to keep the law of chastity. It was awesome to see her faith grow. Then on Wednesday we went to visit them and we started the visit there was just something weird. The spirit was telling me that something was up...as soon as we said the prayer she said--these visits have been awesome and we have loved it...but we are not going to get baptized this Sunday. We can't get baptized. And then it got really awkward and that was kind of it...like she just cut it off... and we left...I honestly can even describe the sadness that Elder Whiting and I were feeling. Honestly my only goal has been to help him have success and after that I was just so frustrated. We could hardly even speak. I could hardly even walk...We then saw our Ward Mission Leader in the road and he went to go pick them up for a ward activity....to our surprise they came!!! The next day, Elder Martinez came to work with me and with the help of Elder Sorto and Elder Whiting we really tried to obtain the revelation that we needed. We received exactly what she needed...that night we visited them and it was one of the most spiritual lessons I have ever had on my whole mission.

I know that I am not perfect, but the Spirit sure is. They all ended up getting baptized on Sunday. I think that it is so important that as missionaries and disciples of Christ that we always take the time we need to be spiritual prepared. I know that the spirit is the answer we just always need to find the right question.

I am so excited for Jamison to be in the field. I have been in a trio and also my last change as assistant we were a 4 some so you just got to find the way to make it work! I love you all.

Elder Wilkes
This happened as we finished the day yesterday.

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